Product Overview
Remington Golden Saber Bonded, the ultimate in handgun ammunition, designed for law enforcement, is now available to the public. All the revolutionary features that make Golden Saber rounds the leading edge in tactical handgun rounds, along with the unmatched barrier-penetration performance of Remington’s special bonded-bullet design. Through an exclusive Remington process, the lead core is hot-bonded to the brass jacket. Exceptional weight retention – up to 97% through auto glass. Reduced bullet nose diameter for precise bore alignment and match-grade accuracy. Requires less energy to initiate expansion. Jacket stiffness and wall thickness optimized to eliminate over-expansion, thus maximizing penetration. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in reloadable nickel-plated brass cases.
•Lead core hot-bonded to brass jacket
•Exceptional weight retention
•Nickel-plated cases for more reliable feeding
•Waterproofed primers and case mouths provide max integrity in all weather conditions
•Flash-suppressed powders
•Industry-exclusive Driving Band
Made In United States of America
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